Wednesday 28 November 2018

Sulforaphane- Broccoli Sprouts


Sulforaphane is found in Broccoli Sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts. Powdered form makes it easy to eat more!

Many studies have provided evidence of its health benefits on a cellular level.

If you would like to purchase some Broccoli sprouts I have asked Super sprout to give you a discount-  just mention my name 'Danelle Filby, MS survivor '

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Fluoride & Aluminium

  • Water

  • Adult humans are 60 percent water, and our blood is 90 percent water. It is essential that we consume water for life.
  • What water are you consuming? Is it from a clean source? 
  • Prior to being diagnosed with MS I was consuming tap water. After researching what was put into that water - aluminium and sodium fluoride to name a few. I wanted to understand if these were good for me and for healing for my body. 
  • Sodium  Fluoride: Neurotoxin 
  • Sodium Fluoride is synthetic- unnatural.
  • This is added to town water in some towns to apparently help reduce cavities, which is unproven. Also added in toothpaste.
  • Calcium Fluoride is natural and found in soil and isn't as harmful.
  • Aluminium: Neurotoxin 
  • Added to some spray on deodorants, cutlery and pots and pans. Water treatment plants use Aluminium salts.
  • The following article explains why Aluminium if such a problem for the body
  • 'Neurodegenerative diseases affecting significant numbers of individuals, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis are likely to be multifactorial in their etiologies and aluminium is a potential contributor to the onset, progression and aggressiveness of these conditions. '
  • Clean water is so important for healing, be sure to know what your drinking!

Sunday 11 November 2018

Sun exposure and Vitamin D

As a teenager with very pale skin I was concerned about sun exposure and I began applying large amounts of sunscreen to my skin each day. I thought I was SunSmart by getting no sun at all. 
Along with a healthy diet is sunshine exposure. I am pale so I don't stay out in the sun in too long and I wear loose clothing that covers my skin. I do not wear sunscreens. Zinc cream is a better option for myself.
My vitamin D levels were on the lower side when I had my episodes. Sunlight is the cheapest option for getting levels up. Studies are suggesting a link with vitamin D deficiency and MS.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Foods for a better brain

Many people with MS will be told they have lesions on the brain. Studies have proven that many foods can help the brain function better. In this fantastic- to the point podcast by Jim Kwik with Dr  Mark Hyman they tell us which foods we should be eating to help the brain.

In health,

Sunday 4 November 2018

Study proves Basic Breathing technique reduces inflammation

Healing the mind is just as important as feeding the body good nutrition. Our thoughts are what we become. Stress if uncontrolled will cause our body to become sick. Calming our minds in this busy world can be hard work but it doesn't have to be.
Prayer/Meditation has been known for thousands of years to heal the mind and body. Slowing down and just breathing has been proven to do us the world of good.

Here is a great study that has shown us just that!
'demonstrates that the sympathetic nervous system and immune system can be voluntarily influenced through practicing techniques that are relatively easy to learn within a short time frame.'

Mercury (silver) fillings & MS

Amalgam fillings may be the 'silver bullet' for some. Linda Brocato testifies before the FDA joint Medical/Dental panel how mercu...