Sunday 9 December 2018


What is your motivation to read this blog?
Are you wanting to improve your life? Do you want to live? Of course! You say.

It is totally up to you! You just need to start. It will take courage and consistency.
Many people want this for themselves but don't commit to wanting to live. Sounds crazy doesn't it. I find this with so many- who have all kinds of immune system issues and even those that just want to be fit and healthy.

Many studies have proven lifestyle changes work. Many others who have successfully treated MS in this same manner have shared their testimony to the world . We have all the evidence needed to start a clean lifestyle 🙂
The following slide show is a wonderful resource to examine Lifestyle and MS and has wonderful tips throughout.
You can do it!

Is there anyone out there who has had success feel free to share in the comments.

God bless,

Mercury (silver) fillings & MS

Amalgam fillings may be the 'silver bullet' for some. Linda Brocato testifies before the FDA joint Medical/Dental panel how mercu...