Saturday 29 September 2018


After deciding to take control of my own health I began digging. I started with a complete medical history. This required collecting records of anything that impacted my body in any way. This included vaccinations, relevant sicknesses and whatever I could remember. One of the biggest impact of my 30 years was dentistry. As an eight year old child I lost my front tooth, it was my second tooth so my mother and father were furious with my older sister who knocked it out with a rock.

This began my journey of countless trips to the dentist and orthodontist. First there was braces at 12 years of age, a large plate with a false tooth at fourteen years then lastly ( so I thought) at sixteen a nickel bridge. It was over and I was so relieved. I didn't want to go to a dentist again.
Fast forward to the age of twenty five, I had pain in my mouth. On closer inspection with my makeup mirror it was a massive hole in one of my teeth. Straight away I knew what had caused this. After giving birth to our second born I would go jogging and lift weights. Whilst exercising I would suck on lollies. Seems counterproductive reflecting on that now.

I was off to the dentist again this time they wanted to do a root canal. It was either this or getting it pulled. I was horrified at the thought of getting it pulled and wanted the easiest solution . Without any research on my behalf I agreed to the procedure.

At this stage I hadn't suffered any MS symptoms at all. Symptoms began six months after having this root canal procedure.

Weston Price was ahead of his time in 1922 exposing the dangers of root canals.

I got both my Nickel bridge and root canal tooth removed at the start of 2012. I now have a metal free plate. This was the main two causes of my MS for sure. Metal and bacteria harbouring in my body which my immune system was attacking.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Prolactin Hormone & Nerve repair

When first diagnosed with MS my neurologist informed me that I should become pregnant again as MS patients would go into remission during pregnancy. This seemed like a smoking gun to my husband and I. We soon found out that the hormone Prolactin would increase during pregnancy and is still produced whilst breastfeeding. This hormone repairs nerves!!

At the time I had just finished breastfeeding our fourth child a month previously to my diagnosis. I began breast pumping with an automated pump. Not much milk came at first, but after a few weeks I was able to easily pump while in the shower. This became my daily routine morning and night prior to metal removal then I continued a year after that.

The following link explains Prolactin a little deeper.

Treating Food as Medicine

When looking at what I ate each day I found it wasn't that healthy. I decided to change my eating habits. I needed to overdose on fresh fruit and vegetables for my body to repair on a cellular level.
Many medical studies support how certain foods repair our bodies.

I am sharing a wonderful podcast today regarding exactly this.

Doctor William Li - Foods that Fight Cancer


In health Danelle

Mercury (silver) fillings & MS

Amalgam fillings may be the 'silver bullet' for some. Linda Brocato testifies before the FDA joint Medical/Dental panel how mercu...